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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Eagle County real estate has best year since 2008!

Eagle County real estate numbers conclude 2012 with December reflecting the best month of the year. December had approximately $225 million in sales volume, which is nearly double that of last December. December also had 208 transactions. These numbers push the year end dollar volume for the county to over $1.5 billion and 1,726 transactions. Overall, 2012 is the best real estate year since 2008. Sales under $500,000 carried the vast majority of the transactions with 838; 58% of the residential transactions. Two other spectrum's also played a major roll in 2012; banks sales and high end properties over $4 million.

Bank sales accounted for 313 of all transactions (18% of all transactions), which was up from 2011 and averaged just under $300,000.

The high end residential properties over $4 million produced 56 transactions accounting for $373,464,279 (28%).

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